Monday, November 16, 2015

The University of Texas packed with guns?

I chose to read my classmates article "The University of Texas packed with guns?" on the current law/controversy surrounding the Campus Carry bill. For some background information, Texas will allow students and faculty to carry concealed firearms (with campus permission) starting in August 2016. The author of the article believes that the Texas government should not allow people “any forms of firearms on campus” His first argument against campus carry consists of a “changing atmosphere” within the classroom. He argues that once both professors and students are aware of the individuals carrying, they would become psychologically fearful of them. “Professors would fear inviting students into their offices to talk about a failing grade if they think that students are armed.” I feel this is a great point made, as professors/TA’s are constantly holding office hours. Typically, office hours/meetings are not always about the happiest subjects. Either a student is confused, or concerned about his or her grades in the class. College is an emotional place, and students are constantly under stress and pressure. His second argument consists of the current local government increasing security measures around the state. This would consist of a strong campus police force with professionals trained to react to “school shooter” type scenarios. These two arguments presented by the author are strong and well written. I feel both arguments can be agreed to by both parties in Texas, as they consist of common sense ideas.

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