Sunday, November 1, 2015

The state and local Government of Texas should do everything in its power to institute election-day voter registration. Many states including Texas require its citizens to register weeks before Election Day, making it fairly hard for people to vote. The easier it is to vote, the more Texas residents will. However, Texas seems to be holding out on the idea of same day voter registration. The four states with the best voter turnout happen to be states with same day voting registration. The state of Texas has awful voter turnout, ranking 47th in the entire country. However, the idea of same day registration scares people. The Republicans in particular love that citizens take 1-2 weeks in order for registration to be completed.

This low voter turnout has contributed to the Republican dominance in Texas. High voter turnout in almost every scenario has been seen to benefit democrats. In fact, instead of making it easier, republicans in control want to make it even more difficult to vote. They can do this by passing a voter ID law, making it especially hard for those to become registered to vote. It is another step to take in the already difficult voter registration process. For people in small rural areas, it is fairly difficult to travel to the DMV or a state agency that prints Texas identification cards. This means that people won’t take the time to get an ID, because their vote seems worthless. In a conservative state like Texas, it should be the government’s job to make voting easier for the people. However, it is in the best interest of the republican lead government to keep people away from this years polling booths.

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