Sunday, October 4, 2015

Joe Deshotel, the author of the article “Pope Francis’ Visits Shined Light on the GOP Misplaced Priorities in Texas” in the Burnt Orange Report.  He has hit the nail right on the coffin when it comes to shedding the light on the GOP’s misplaced priorities during the recent visit from Pope Francis. The author does a great job of calling out the current frontrunners in the GOP for the Presidential election.  “Just as the front runners for GOP’s presidential nomination were debating whether a Muslim should even be allowed to occupy the White House, we were reminded how conservatives drummed up fears that John F. Kennedy’s Catholic faith would render him a papal puppet.” However it is not only the national politicians that are making the news over their “faith”, current Texas Governor Greg Abbot was recently attacked questioning his “faith” over a silly Facebook post that offended a very few extremists. However, Greg Abbot isn’t new when it comes to using his faith to guide his political agenda. Abbot has used religion time and time again to whip votes on wedge issues. Governor Abbot proposed a VERY political “Life” initiative at the exact time Planned Parenthood was on every news channel in America. All this talk coming of course while Texas still has the largest number of uninsured children in the nation. “Reproductive health care isn’t the only target of GOP pitchforks. Their policy priorities fail to acknowledge that caring for the environment, the poor and the sick were Jesus’ words, not the Pope’s.” Numbers and statistics don’t lie.
The author does a very good job of providing numbers, facts, statistics and proof that the GOP’s current agenda is largely politicized and often panders to the very religious. Most GOP members only seem to agree with the Pope’s message just as long as it coincides with the mindset of their voters back home. Overall I feel that author did a great job in pointing out a few of the many hypocrisies that the GOP holds.

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