Friday, December 11, 2015

The so called “transportation system” in Austin Texas

            While reading the blog “The so called transportation system” written by Carrie, it is difficult to not shake my head in agreement. While making the point about the ridiculous traffic in Austin, Carrie begins to present the reader with crucial evidence from the Austin Chamber regarding “high incidents and fatality rates” to make her case. Traffic costs the city of Austin, a lot. “This very congestion costs Central Texans $930/year per person!!!” She makes the case that not only does traffic cost time and headaches, it hurts the local economy. Sitting in traffic means less time to purchase goods, and causes more time for pain and agony. It doesn’t help that the city of Austin’s population and growth rate is exploding. With an increase in people migrating to the rapidly growing city, it doesn’t do a bit of help for the already horrific traffic problem. “Austin Chamber says that in the next 25 years Texas will see population increase of 65%, road use increase by 214%, and state road capacity.

            However, growth doesn’t seem to be the only problem pointed out by Carrie. It is the fact that the local government has done almost nothing to combat a worsening traffic highway model. Instead of focusing on a light rail system (which only applies to a small % of the Austin population), the government should be focusing on public transportation. An idea of hers includes the production of double decker busses so that they “take up less room on the road than those God awful extended busses” In conclusion; we need to be innovative when it comes to the means of tackling our flawed transportation system. In order for that to ever be accomplished, the people of Austin must make their voices heard.