Thursday, September 17, 2015

After watching the second GOP debate September 16th, 2015 on CNN, I was shocked to see that US senator Ted Cruz fell mostly silent. Instead of seeing the flamboyant Cruz we typically see, we saw a reserved, quiet US Senator. Perhaps this was his attempt to appear "Presidential", unlike the many other candidates on stage. Instead of choosing to join the endless bombardment against the current front runner in the GOP (Donald Trump,) Cruz instead chose to talk about the problems that currently face the Obama Administration. It also seemed as if CNN chose to ignore Cruz. On September 16th, 2015 The Texas Tribune published an article which stated, "CNN moderator Jake Tapper did not ask Cruz a question until nearly thirty minutes into the two-hour debate." He spoke clearly on the issues that are currently most important to American people. Cruz consistently mentioned the idea of defunding planned parenthood, and chose to criticize the Iran nuclear deal just negotiated by the Obama Administration. This article was very informative and explained in great detail how Senator Cruz conducted his behavior during the debate.